Sunday 12 June 2011


Well that was sh*t. Getting mixed reviews in the press but Shoot the cabbage will give this movie an honest review. It was terrible! After an impressive March it's back to normal for Irish cinema. As in Summer of the flying saucer 'normal'. A pair of kids who can't act, lots of locals, a bit of whimsey, Tourist Board cinematography, a high-concept story of a plane getting stranded and they build a runway, a silly crime sub-plot, lots of scenes that fall flat (and are not as funny as they think), a stupid and predictable romantic subplot between one of the kid's single mother and the pilot, and a confusing ending. This is just sh*t. Yet another award-winning Irish filmmaker of shorts 'progressing' to a clichéd and routine feature. Why didn't they use music from 1983 where the movie was set? The song over the end credits didn't get released until the end of that decade!

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