Saturday, 24 July 2010


No, not a movie about a factory owner who makes cigarette matches. That would be too interesting. This one is about an American politician's aide who travels to the West of Ireland to trace her employer's Irish ancestors. Except he's Hungarian. Oops, spoiler alert. You weren't supposed to know this until you saw the movie. Except I'm saving you the effort as it's rubbish. It's a small movie without the smallness, it's a whimsical movie without the whimsey, it's a romantic movie without the romance, it's an Ealing movie without the class, it's a rural village movie but people have Dublin accents, it's a political intrigue movie without the intrigue, and it's just not that good. Watch various Irish character actors turn up for their latest paycheque and not giving a sh*t about how stereotypical their characters are. We really do need someone to regulate films made in Ireland to filter out this Oirish crap.

Master of the world

Dated movie from the 1960s with Vincent Price trying to stop wars around the world. He uses an airship to attack from the sky. A group of ...