Tuesday, 11 December 2012


No point in reviewing Seven psychopaths as it's not Irish-themed and missed Silence so what of 2012?

Other side of sleep - art, slow-moving but impressive film about a girl who finds a body.

Charlie Casanova - the Irish film event of the year was this one! Most people hated it. More stuff like this please!

Ek tha tiger - impressive Bollywood movie set mostly in Dublin. Doubt it will get a DVD release here?

Shamrocracy - enjoyable political mockumentary that will might a DVD release?

Dollhouse - surprise of the year. Impressive in place with lots of energy, looking forward to seeing more feature films from The Factory.

Albert Nobbs - interesting film that was already done with Streisand's Yentl.

My brothers - off all the new Irish films from 2012 this is one I'd watch again. Similar in style to the early Film Board stuff only better.

Grabbers - the best-made Irish film of the year let down by one unoriginal scene after another.

Haywire - don't like these kind of films but this one was awful. Everyone thought this would be good with its top director but it was awful.

Stella days - back to the 1950s with this rubbish. The sad thing is that these kind of films will always get made here.

Kiss for Jed - terrible film that seemed to be like Once without the songs.

Shadow dancer - just what was needed, another IRA TV-style drama. Plenty of older ones to watch. Did we really need this?

What Richard did - no doubt this will clean up at next year's IFTAs but don't believe the hype. Nothing special and laughably overrated.

Stitches - rubbish horror-comedy that should have gone straight to DVD.

Death of a superhero - lame pastiche movie that should have been made a decade earlier to really impress.

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