Sunday, 14 August 2011


Here's a theory: we only have one dozen screen actors in this country. Here's another theory: the same actors get all the roles. Especially when the movie is a crime/comedy/horror one? Which theory makes more sense? I reckon the second one might? Oh look, there's Liam Cunningham playing the same role in all his movies. Need to cast a bad guy? How about David Pearse or Wilmot? Oh look there's Darren Healy or is it Gavin Kelty? Could never tell those two apart until Savage came out. Yep, the sense that the same actors are getting roles in this this country regardless of suitability is a suspicion that STC has had for a while now. Of course no-one else will say this because you might get blackballed. None of the above are particularly good actors either? So wanna get steady film acting roles in this country? Then join the IFB casting agency!

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