Saturday, 19 February 2011


Good quote from last month's Sunday Business Post: 'Irish films can’t seem to perform in their home market, even with marketing funding from the Irish Film Board, and plaudits and award nominations from the most venerated and respected of international organisations, including the Academy Awards.' Ever wonder why? There are a number of reasons. The main reason is that interest in Irish cinema was killed off back in the '90s. This was because of too much rubbish getting released with too much fanfare. Some of this stuff was laughable. Now no-one really cares about Irish movies in the cinema no mattter how many pointless awards they win. Another reason is that Irish movies are too middle-of-the-road. They are neither arty enough nor commerical. That's why people won't watch. Because there are always other titles on release which either have better production values or are more arthouse in style. What most people won't admit is that outside of the festivals Irish feature films have no audience.

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