Sunday, 9 May 2010
The boxer
Even Jim Sheridan's worst movie is better than most other Irish efforts. The boxer is another Troubles picture this time Day-Lewis leaves prison and reenters his commmunity. Except most don't want him back. He ruffles feathers by accepting gear from the police (boxing not drugs!) and gets intimate with a prisoner's wife. Tragedy ensues but not as expected. The problem with this movie is that we don't care what happens. It's another style-over-substance picture. Lots of scenes with something moving in the background (ships, cranes, helicopters) which distract the viewer. Lots of confusing scenes too (why does Day-Lewis and Watson visit the Loyalist side?) with washed-out cinematography. Bet the makers of Anton have seen this picture?
Master of the world
Dated movie from the 1960s with Vincent Price trying to stop wars around the world. He uses an airship to attack from the sky. A group of ...
Another famous movie with an Irish theme. Set in Africa a TCD graduate heads off alone to find a diamond mine. His daughter gets an explore...
Very well-made movie about the notorious boycott case back in the '50s. It's about a Catholic/Protestant marriage and the row over w...