Thursday, 29 April 2010
Say that word again! H.E.A.D.R.U.S.H! That sounds like a great movie! Headrush, it'll rush your head! Wow. I'm excited to see this so! Full of exciting stuff that will alter your perceptions? Afraid not. It's rubbish actually. A '90s drugs movie made a decade too late. Out of date and out of time. It tries to be hip and 'with it man'! It fails. Say it again! H-e-a-d-r-u-s-h! There's an exciting title for a dull movie. There's this guy see who can't get a job. Neither can 438,000 other people! Except this was made in the Celtic Tiger era where everyone had ambitions to succeed. So this fella organises a lottery and the winner gets to bring drugs back from Holland. Inside a souvenir windmill! It's that contrived. Back in the '90s this script felt like a breath of fresh air in the midst of IRA movies and telefilms set in the '50s. Except now it's just embarrassing. Actually I get it now - make a contrived, stupid, unoriginal drugs movie and the audience will get a headrush from shaking their head when they watch this crap. That's actually funny!
Master of the world
Dated movie from the 1960s with Vincent Price trying to stop wars around the world. He uses an airship to attack from the sky. A group of ...
Another famous movie with an Irish theme. Set in Africa a TCD graduate heads off alone to find a diamond mine. His daughter gets an explore...
Very well-made movie about the notorious boycott case back in the '50s. It's about a Catholic/Protestant marriage and the row over w...