Monday, 9 December 2019


One of Ireland's many forgotten film directors has slated some politician for daring so say what the rest of us already know. These celebrities getting their mugs in the papers as they sing their dirges to support Dublin's homeless are wasting their time. They're only trying to highlight the issue he says. There must be about three people left in Ireland who don't know about our homeless issue! Like his movies Sheridan can only see this issue from one angle. They should look after their own people he says. Does our most overrated director realise this problem is really a refusing to move outside Dublin issue. How many of these homeless have had their house repossessed by a bank. I would guess a big fat zero. How many of these homeless have mental health or addiction issues? I would guess just under 100%. Even better, how come none of the 'talent' Sheridan has inspired will bother to make a film about our 'homeless crisis'?

Sunday, 8 December 2019

Last right

The kind of dull crap our Film Board now funds thanks to their new gender quota policy. An American returns to Cork after meeting an old man on the plane who dies. Because they have same surname people think they're related and he agrees to escort the coffin to Northern Ireland. Probably sounded good on paper but it's tedious, unfunny, boring and unoriginal. Comic scenes that aren't funny, sex scenes that aren't romantic, drama scenes that aren't dramatic; uneven scenes that veer in tone. Set at Christmas but there's nothing festive about it. Like their car this movie remains in first gear. The only time I was surprised was when Haircut 100 appeared on the soundtrack. Let's face it, Ireland is too small in area for a good road movie. What's talented Brian Cox doing in this contrived rubbish? 

Title: The last right
Genre: Road 
New/old: New
Cinema/DVD: Cinema

Master of the world

Dated movie from the 1960s with Vincent Price trying to stop wars around the world. He uses an airship to attack from the sky. A group of ...